Week February 1-4: Dairy, week III

We had another wonderful week! Extending our learning, in this second week about foods we focused on dairy products, calling this week: “C is for Cow!”

Our letter of the week was C and this was perfect because where do most dairy products come from? Indeed a cow! For the older Kindergarten cohort of students much of the learning and projects we did had the basic goal of understanding the origins of the food we eat.

Starting with this basic premise the younger  class water colour painted their very own “colourful cow.” This light activity had the intention of introducing the week’s material and calling on recall abilities in reference to what was learned previously: the colours. Naturally, this activity also allowed students to engage their creative senses and make decisions for themselves.

The Kindergarten class began straight away this week learning the different products we can get from cows via their milk. This particular class loves to paint, colour and draw so capture this through vocabulary based worksheets. These sheets allow the children to engage their creativity, learn new words and most importantly via speaking with other students and the teacher practice full English sentences in a natural and meaningful way.

For the pre school cohort class time focused on building a few core vocabulary words through art: cow, milk, yogurt and ice cream. The kindergarten cohort practiced and learned this week dairy related vocabulary the sentence structure “I like….” And the verb: “To eat.” It was also important in this respect that they learned to express what they don’t like.

Keeping with the idea that the older cohort should understand the origin of the foods we eat they created a three dimensional cow and dairy product project on Thursday.

Friday now will feature for the Kindergarten group the task of the “Friday Review.” While this by no means is a test it is a set of sheets meant to engage the student’s recall abilities in regards to vocabulary, sentence structure, learned verbs (and later adjectives) they learned throughout the week. This task is also critical to helping them practice and feel comfortable writing in English.

This week we did our second Friday Review packet and the student’s did splendidly!

Often we have extra or free time in class in which I encourage students to have fun, play and most of all be creative and independent.  Usually during this time we watch an English language movie or listen to English language music.
Our English language film of the week was "The Princess & The Frog." A special thank you to Ms. Sereca for lending this movie to us!

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