How much fun have we had in the last  week starting school and learning? You're about to see! This journal entry  is about week 1 and week 2, colours and foods.
We will begin every class in both pre-k and Kindergarten with circle time, this is a picture of the Kindergarten group.

Our first day we all made our name tags in English to help get to know each other and see our names as they appear in Roman script.

On Tuesday we practiced the colours in English with the `Colour Me Happy` sheet, this task was completed by nearly all students in both classes!
This task also helped us start to understand the of a rainbow which we would test the next day through making rainbow catterpillars 

Students could make their catterpillars as long or short as they wanted, the important aspect  of this project was that a student deliberately chose the colour in English they wanted and practice fine motor skills such a curling paper and gluing (pre-k.)

Thursday and Friday were dedicated to our efforts to creating a class story book about the colours using popular cartoon characters. Thursday we coloured and Friday we read the finished product together.


8/4/2022 01:54:14 am

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